الثلاثاء، 23 ديسمبر 2014

About Skin Cancer

About Skin Cancer

What is skin cancer

The skin cancer is the most common types of cancers, and give rise to a defect is normal in the surface skin cells is in its infancy in the form of patches and then spreads and grows and develops through exposure affected area for long periods of direct sunlight, therefore each person when you see it strange spots on the skin or wound in the skin does not Libre within two weeks to go to the doctor immediately.
The diagnosis of skin cancer

The initial diagnosis by the doctor to view the tumor on the skin thoroughly, but this diagnosis is not accurate, then take a skin biopsy of the tumor using local anesthesia for the patient to examine the sample in the laboratory to determine if it was cancerous tumor or otherwise.
Types of skin cancers

1. basal cell cancer and is one of the most prevalent types of skin cancer, and more easily in therapy, in the form of patches, such as pearls appear on the face or the neck and behind the ears, or in the form of a flat scar be skin-colored appear on the back and chest.

2.srtan squamous cells: This type of cancer if it is detected early can be easily treated, but may spread and develops on the skin quickly, and be in the form of a small nugget-sized red and shows Alyalvm areas behind the neck, face, or in the form of a scar flat under the rind wound .

3.srtan Melanoma: The human eye the most dangerous type of skin cancer, so that arise and evolve into the cells that make the skin color cells that make melanin, has eyes that affects normalize often result due to exposure to sunlight Alhamsh direct UV, and appears in the most exposed to the sun face and hands regions of the body and neck and legs.
The treatment of skin cancer

     Local anesthesia to place the cancerous tumor requires.

     Treats skin cancer by removing the infected cells, or to do with destruction by topical medications.

     By freezing the cells.

     Is by surgical excision.

     Through the use of lasers.

     By chemotherapy and radiation.

For the prevention of skin cancer

     Use the sun visor.

     Stay away from direct exposure to the sun at peak times.

     Care to wear clothing that protects against the sun's rays.

     Periodic inspection of the skin when the doctor.

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